<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4e00c8ce-09f2-4d20-ae51-6dc7d1127250/38B83299-F74A-4A9C-A1DA-F55B4B4911C9.gif" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4e00c8ce-09f2-4d20-ae51-6dc7d1127250/38B83299-F74A-4A9C-A1DA-F55B4B4911C9.gif" width="40px" /> !!! Welcome !!!

My name is Mardiya, imaginary cat mom, very sleepy human and tinker fairy who researches digital societies, and contributes to designing safer internet and technology spaces to be used at it fullest potential by minoritized communities. I have a Masters in Sociology, and a Bachelors (Honours) in Global Challenges. I am a digital sociologist, community movement builder, a learning experience designer, and have created online curriculum and instructional material for young people, and women leaders across the world. I am also a project manager who explores creative ways to collaboratively build and share knowledge through community engagements, research and workshops. I have led past lives as a marketer and an artistic storyteller curating plays. In my current journey, I explore ways to design inclusive and just public spaces where minoritized communities flourish.


Mardiya Portfolio design 1.png

✍🏽 Writing, Research and Analysis.

<aside> 📌 The role of a writer is to tell society what it presents it does not know - Mona Eltahawy.


<aside> 🥸 My work as a researcher is to investigate, assess, analyse and map out resources to design creative, impactful and insightful outcomes.


<aside> 📖 I was also a sub-editor for an award-winning Nigerian publication, Republic Journal. I conduct structural, and editorial edits on feminist, political, technology and cultural pieces submitted to the journal.


<aside> 📑 Read my All Tech Is Human profile on technology and democracy here


<aside> 💡 I wrote an illuminating book review of Surfacing: On Being Black and Feminist In South Africa published by **Feminist Africa Journal.**


<aside> 👾 I am a Violence, Power and Inequality (VIP) lab research fellow at the University of San Diego Joan B. Kroc Institute of Peace Studies. Learn more about my fellowship work **here**


Access my short writing portfolio here

📚 Selected Pieces

HEARING SILENCES - Magazin Frauensolidarität

What can digital surveillance teach us about online gender-based violence?

Resilience through Internet Research: Reflections on Conducting Research with Front-Line Defenders in the Horn of Africa

Recapping the Fairwork Multistakeholder Workshop in Uganda

Why feminist children's books and media matter - Women's Media Center

Learning Journey Reflection: Seeking of neutral and holistic knowledge

Feminist Perspectives on Social Media Governance

Feminist Perspectives on Social Media Governance – A Snapshot

<aside> 💡 I also write regional briefs that summarises the trends in digital rights and the community wellbeing of digital justice practitioners in Africa


regional briefs - Team CommUNITY Blog | Digital Rights Blog

☘️ Learning and Instructional design

Writing inspired my journey into online curriculum, instructional and learning experience design. Learning design to me represents another creative opportunity to curate and share knowledge in a more accessible manner.